My understanding is that when you kill a C++ application through Task Manager in Windows XP, the application is still "cleanly" destructed - i.e. the call stack will unwind and all the relevant object destructors will be invoked. Not sure if my understanding is wrong here.
Is it possible to kill such an application immediately, without unwinding the stack?
For example, the application may employ RAII patterns which will destroy or release resources when an object is destructed. If the traditional "kill process" through Task Manager is graceful, providing a way to kill the application immediately would allow me to test ungraceful shutdown (e.g. a power outage).
Just to clarify, I was after an existing utility or program that would allow me to do this. I should be able to use the solution on programs that I don't have the source code for, meaning that a programmatic solution is not really acceptable.
Just to provide more context, sometimes I have to work with 3rd party services which are very intrusive (e.g. nagging me to reboot every hour). Since I know that I don't need to reboot, I want to kill the process/service so it doesn't nag me anymore. Unfortunately some of the 3rd party developers were "smart" enough to prevent me from doing this, and when I kill the process through Task Manager, the system will reboot immediately (I'm guessing that are using RAII to achieve this).
I believe task manager tries a "nice" shutdown by sending a WM_CLOSE message, then if the application doesn't respond it's killed.
This call should kill the process immediately with no warning:
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 1);
You may find this article interesting:
Quitting time: exiting a C++ program
Update 2:
I should be able to use the solution on programs that I don't have the source code for
Hmm, well this is undesirable behavior 99.9% of the time.
SysInternals has a utility called pskill
but I'm not sure how "nice" it is.
You might need to roll your own, but it should be pretty easy:
DWORD pid = <get pid from command line>;
TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pid));