Hello I am using a JPasswordField
when I want to read it it is no problem with getPassword
but what I am doing is when the Password is not set it shows a InputDialog
where you can type in the password and then it should set the the Password in to the JPasswordField
but when I use setText
it does not set it and there is not method setPassword()
. So my question is how can i set a password to a JPasswordField
String password = "";
JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField();
Object[] obj = {"Bitte ihr PAsswort eingeben:\n\n", passwordField};
Object stringArray[] = {"OK","Cancel"};
if (JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, obj, "Passwort", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, stringArray, obj) == JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)
password = new String(passwordField.getPassword());
txtFtpPassword = new JPasswordField(password);
txtFtpPassword.setBounds(10, 113, 206, 23);
I found the Error here it was:
if (JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, obj, "Passwort", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, stringArray, obj) == JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)
password = new String(passwordField.getPassword());
It checked it was a Warning Message but it was a YES_OPTION :) Thank you for all your help.