I have a class implemented in a .cpp file as follow :
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
// les 3 lib boost/random nécessaire a généré les radiuses
#include "boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp"
#include "boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp"
#include "boost/random/variate_generator.hpp"
// la lib boost fournissant des arrays multidimensionnels
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include "porenetwork.h"
using namespace std;
typedef boost::random::mt19937 ENG;
typedef boost::normal_distribution<double> DIST; // Normal Distribution
typedef boost::variate_generator<ENG,DIST> GEN; // Variate generator
typedef boost::multi_array<bool, 3> StateNetworkType;
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> RadiusNetworkType;
typedef StateNetworkType::index index;
typedef boost::multi_array_types::index_range range;
PoreNetwork::PoreNetwork(int esize)
cout << "esize = " << esize << endl;
Size = esize;
StateNetworkType States(boost::extents[Size][Size][Size]);
RadiusNetworkType Radiuses(boost::extents[Size][Size][Size]);
// initialise the Radiuses
ENG eng;
eng.seed(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)));
DIST dist(0,1);
GEN gen(eng, dist);
for(index i = 0; i != Size; ++i)
for(index j = 0; j != Size; ++j)
for(index k = 0; k != Size; ++k)
Radiuses[i][j][k] = gen();
int PoreNetwork::getSize() {return Size;}
And defined in a header .h file as follow :
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
typedef boost::multi_array<bool, 3> StateNetworkType;
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> RadiusNetworkType;
class PoreNetwork
PoreNetwork(int esize);
int getSize();
StateNetworkType States;
RadiusNetworkType Radiuses;
int Size;
/* add your private declarations */
#endif /* PORENETWORK_H */
My problem is that the Attributes PoreNetwork::Radiuses and PoreNetwork::States do not seem to get initialized when I call this from my main.cpp.
As I understand it, the Radiuses and States in my .cpp are not the ones defined in my headers file because I re-define them.
My problem is : how do I define and initialize these 2 attributes in my class, knowing that they are Boost::multi_array and that their constructor takes as input a parameters that my class constructor takes also.
i.e : my PoreNetwork class' constructor takes 1 argument esize that is an int, that is also the argument of the constructor for its attributes Radiuses and States.
The best way to initialise members is to use initialise list. But you still need to pay attention to the member declaration order and initialise orders.
class PoreNetwork
int Size; // note, put Size in front of States/Radiuses members
PoreNetwork(int esize);
int getSize();
StateNetworkType States;
RadiusNetworkType Radiuses;
PoreNetwork::PoreNetwork(int esize)
: Size(esize), // important to initialise Size first
cout << "esize = " << esize << endl;
If your do not initialise Size first, it's undefined behavior to initialise States and Radiuses and Size has not initialised with yet.
PoreNetwork::PoreNetwork(int esize)
: States(boost::extents[Size][Size][Size]), // Undefined behavior as Size is not initialised yet
If yo don't put Size in in front of States/Radiuses in the member list, you get compiler warning.