I have:
int array_id;
char* records[10];
// get the shared segment
if ((array_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0666)) == -1) {
perror("Array Creating");
// attach
records[0] = (char*) shmat(array_id, (void*)0, 0);
if ((int) *records == -1) {
perror("Array Attachment");
which works fine, but when i try and detach i get an "invalid argument" error.
// detach
int error;
if( (error = shmdt((void*) records[0])) == -1) {
perror(array detachment);
any ideas? thank you
In shmdt()
, no need to convert the pointer argument to void*
it will automatically take care of this .
Remove (void*)
from shmdt((void*) records[0]))
. It should be like this.
if ((error = shmdt(records[0]) ) == -1)
perror("Array detachment");
And it will work.
Also in shmat()
, on error it returns (void*) -1
so your comparison will give warning.
so do like this
if ((char *)records[0] == (void *)-1)
perror("Array Attachment");