I have tried to use the foundation framework with the orbit sliders and when I test it on the browser, the slider performs the transitions, however the animations are not being performed and simply fades from 1 section to another.
Only when I try to resize the window, it works as expected.
After further inspection, apparently when the slider attempts to change using 'horizontal-push' the variable this.outerWIdth for the orbit-slide div is 1 instead of the actual width of the div.
Here is my markup for the features slider which I am using orbit for.
<div id="features-wrap" class="wrapper">
<!-- Insert Features Here -->
<div id="features-gutter" class="row">
<section id="features" class="row">
<div id="welcome">
<div class="eight columns">
<div class="four columns">
<img src="img/content/promo1.jpg" alt="Promo Image 1" width="320" height="220">
<div id="decorated">
<div class="eight columns">
<h4>Decorated Apparel</h4>
<p>Some Text</p>
<div class="four columns">
<img src="img/content/promo2.jpg" alt="Promo Image 1" width="320" height="220">
<div id="promotional">
<div class="eight columns">
<h4>Protional Products</h4>
<p>Some Text</p>
<div class="four columns">
<img src="img/content/promo3.jpg" alt="Promo Image 1" width="320" height="220">
<!-- End Insert Features Here -->
end of code Here is also the Javascript I am calling.
var featuresSlider = $('#features');
featuresSlider.orbit({fluid: '2x1', animationSpeed: 650, animation: 'horizontal-push' });
Is there anything I am doing with the code or is it really a bug with the current script for orbit?
found the answer. I in order for the slider to get the right outerWidth I had to go to the div that initializes the sliders and overide the width that is set by the plugin in the css file. For example: If features controls my orbit slider, then i need to do this:
#features {
width: <set the width here> !important;
<any other styles here>