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ebay getOrders API

I am building a .net service to getOrders from ebay. my service runs fine, however I dont know how should I handle data.

For example I am using CreateTimeTo and CreateTimeFrom Filter to return orders from past 24 hours. I save them into my database, now some orders return no Address info.

My question is, Whats the best way to hadnle/update already imported orders into my database. Say for example order imported into my system wa without shiping info, and customer completed shipping info after a week, how would I update that order in my system?



  • I would definitely use modtimefrom modtimeto filter. Ih this way you can get all order that have been modiefied in last "x interval". This way you will get either new orders and modified (checkout complete - paid - shipped) and so on. My favourite filter anyway is NumberOfDays. This one acts as ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo but is way more simple and you don't have to deal with dates.

    An order without address means buyer has not completed checkout (no payment selected so no shipping address as well yet).

    Once buyer completes checkout or order is mark as paid the entire address will be avaible.

    You can get buyer default address shipping by using call GetSellerTransaction

    I hope i understood your question and to be helpful.