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Check whether Jlabel has Icon or not

I'm having a big problem when I save an image to the database.

I have a JLabel called personImage and when the user wants to insert an image, he has to click on personImage, then a JFileChooser appears and the user can select an image. The selected image will be loaded into personImage.

When the user selects an image and saves it, it works properly, but when user doesn't select an image and is going to save the details, it gives a NullPointerException. I think that is because there is no path to get the Image to File Object. How can I know whether there is a Image in JLabel or not? I want to check if there's an image or not.

try {
    String fname = txt_Fname.getText();
    String lname = txt_Lname.getText();
    String mobile = txt_mobile.getText();
    String home = txt_home.getText();
    String work = txt_work.getText();
    String fax = txt_fax.getText();
    byte[] image_detail;

    PersonDAO perDAO = new PersonDAO(); //create person object
    if (status == 1) // used status  for check whether Jlabed is clicked
        File image = new File(path);   
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(image); 
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

        for (int readNum; (readNum = != -1; )
            baos.write(buf, 0,readNum);
        image_detail =  baos.toByteArray();

        Person person1 = new Person(fname, lname, mobile, home, work, fax, image_detail); // call the person
        // constructer when there is an image. I did validate with status variable
            perDAO.InsertPerson(person1); // call the personDAO to insert the Person to database
            Person person2 = new Person(lname, lname, mobile, home, work, fax); // if there is not an image call this constructer .
            perDAO.InsertPerson(person2); // then call to personDAO object to insert the person to  databasee
    catch (Exception exc)
        System.out.println(exc + "sssssss");

    // >>> when click on the JLabel, the JFileChooser appears
    int i = jFileChooser2.showOpenDialog(this);
    try {
        f = jFileChooser2.getSelectedFile();
        path = f.getAbsolutePath();
        ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(path);
        status =  1;
    catch (Exception exc)


  • If you have a JLabel label then do this to check if it has an icon or not:

    if (label.getIcon() == null) {
      // this means there is no icon