I am using JSMPP from Google to receive SMS messages from SMS Service Centre. Sometimes, my program stops receiving SMS from SMSC, I have to close the program and Re-Open the program. Then Queued SMSes from SMSC starts receive. This happens after some time, like after 7 or 8 hours. Here is the code I'v used
SMPP Init Code
l.info("SMPP Initialization");
SMPPSession s = new SMPPSession();
s.setMessageReceiverListener(new Receive(s));
s.connectAndBind(Settings.smsc_host,Settings.smsc_port, BindType.BIND_TRX,
Settings.smsc_user, Settings.smsc_password,Settings.smsc_msg_setting, TypeOfNumber.UNKNOWN,
NumberingPlanIndicator.UNKNOWN, null, Settings.smsc_timeout);
ProcessSMS.s = s;
l.info("SMPP Initialization Success");
SMS Receive Code
package sms;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jsmpp.bean.AlertNotification;
import org.jsmpp.bean.DataSm;
import org.jsmpp.bean.DeliverSm;
import org.jsmpp.bean.MessageType;
import org.jsmpp.extra.ProcessRequestException;
import org.jsmpp.session.DataSmResult;
import org.jsmpp.session.MessageReceiverListener;
import org.jsmpp.session.Session;
import processor.ProcessSMS;
public class Receive implements MessageReceiverListener {
private static final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
private static final Logger l = Logger.getLogger(Receive.class);
private Thread thread;
public Receive(){
public Receive(Session s){
public DataSmResult onAcceptDataSm(DataSm arg0, Session arg1)
throws ProcessRequestException {
return null;
public void onAcceptAlertNotification(AlertNotification arg0) {
public void onAcceptDeliverSm(DeliverSm arg0)
throws ProcessRequestException {
l.info("Received SMS " + arg0);
pool.submit(new ProcessSMS(arg0));
//thread = new Thread(new ProcessSMS(arg0));
And here is the state change class
package sms;
import java.io.IOException;
import global.Shared;
import log.SMSCStateLogger;
import org.jsmpp.bean.BindType;
import org.jsmpp.bean.NumberingPlanIndicator;
import org.jsmpp.bean.TypeOfNumber;
import org.jsmpp.extra.SessionState;
import org.jsmpp.session.SMPPSession;
import org.jsmpp.session.Session;
import org.jsmpp.session.SessionStateListener;
import processor.ProcessSMS;
import settings.Settings;
public class StateChange implements SessionStateListener{
private static SMSCStateLogger l = new SMSCStateLogger(StateChange.class);
private Session s;
public void onStateChange(SessionState arg0, SessionState arg1, Object arg2) {
//arg0 = new State
//arg1 = old State
if(!arg0.isBound() && arg1.isBound()){
int con = Shared.getNextReConnectInterval();
l.info("State changed from " + arg1 + " to " + arg0 + " on " + arg2);
l.info("Re Connection in " + con + " ms");
}catch(InterruptedException iex){
l.fatal("Re Connection failed due to exception " + iex);
s = new SMPPSession();
((SMPPSession) s).setMessageReceiverListener(new Receive(s));
s.addSessionStateListener(new StateChange());
((SMPPSession) s).connectAndBind(Settings.smsc_host,Settings.smsc_port, BindType.BIND_TRX,
Settings.smsc_user, Settings.smsc_password,Settings.smsc_msg_setting, TypeOfNumber.UNKNOWN,
NumberingPlanIndicator.UNKNOWN, null, Settings.smsc_timeout);
}catch(IOException ioex){
l.fatal("Connection failed due to " + ioex.getMessage());
ProcessSMS.s = (SMPPSession) s;
l.info("Re Connection success");
Does anybody have an idea what is going on ?
Updated the JSMPP API from https://github.com/uudashr/jsmpp.
Download the source with git run mvn install to create the jar archive.