I am trying to display client's timezone besides the timestamp. E.g 4:13 PST
I tried using GetTimeZoneInfo() but the only way I could think of is by getting the offset in hours and then determining through an array of hard coded values.
Other way around I found was using java.util.TimeZone class. Following is the code I have tried ---
<cfset tz = CreateObject("java", "java.util.TimeZone")>
<cfset tz = tz.getDefault()>
<cfoutput>TimeZone:#tz.getDisplayName(false, 1)#</cfoutput>
This gives me output as Central Standard Time.
Any further help...
The code you mention above gets the server's TZ, not the client's.
If you want the client's TZ, you should read the comments against this other, similar question. These all revolve around using the Date.getTimezoneOffset()
method. This does only give you the offset from UTC though, not the more familiar GMT / BST etc.