I’m building a solution which requires a batch file to be run after the build (there's a sequence in the workflow for this). TFS flags the build as partially succeeded, but there’s no error in the log even in full verbose mode ("diagnostic"). I’m checking the errorlevel after each line in the batch file and it’s always 0. I’ve also tested redirecting stdout and stderr in a file after each line and there’s no clue there.
It’s got nothing to do with unit tests because I’m skipping them for the time being.
I’ve noticed that usually when an error occurs in a batch file (e.g. file not found) there’s a visual cue to indicate the error and this matches the partially succeeded status. But I don’t see any visual cue.
So how can TFS decide that the build is only partially succeeded?
Thank you,
It turns out the GetImpactedTests activity is throwing an exception (I can see it in the event viewer of the TFS machine), but it doesn't show at all in the build log.
I'm guessing that this exception makes the build partially succeeded (because the compilation part succeeded) but I couldn't see the assignment explicitly in the buid log. When I bypass the impact analysis (either by setting Analyze Test Impact to False or by removing the GetImpactedTests activity altogether), the error does not occur.