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Parsing ExpressionEngine Error Template with Ajax

I'm trying to add Ajax to my ExpressionEngine registration form with the jQuery Form plugin. Most of the form errors are handled with Profile:Edit and returned in JSON, and I've had no major problems parsing those. The only error that isn't handled by Profile:Edit is when someone tries to re-register with an email address that is still "pending". For that, I get the standard EE error template in HTML.

What I'd like to do is set up a jQuery $.each() loop and output the error list item(s). But when I try to parse the HTML I get weird data in the console. Even a really simple jQuery function doesn't work like I expect. For example, with this code, I expect to get back the content of the #content div:

    success: function(data){
        var theContent = data.find('#content');

But I get this in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object
<!-- Full HTML of Error Template -->
has no method 'find' 

The same thing happens if I use .filter() instead of .find().

If I wrap data in selector syntax, like this:

    success: function(data){
        var theContent = $(data).find('#content');

I get this in the console:

[prevObject: e.fn.e.init[9], context: undefined, selector: "#content"]
    context: undefined
    length: 0
    prevObject: e.fn.e.init[9]
        0: #text
        1: <title>
        2: #text
        3: <meta>
        4: #text
        5: <style>
        6: #text
        7: <div>
        8: #text
        length: 9
    __proto__: Object[0]
    selector: "#content"
    __proto__: Object[0]

Which is not what I expected, nor do I really know what to do with it.

Setting the dataType as 'html' doesn't seem to make a difference.

Any thoughts? This thing has aged me by years, it's so damn frustrating.


  • data.find('#content');

    Won't work because data is not a jQuery object. What does the response coming back look like? If you do a console.log(data) upon success, what do you get?