The first bit before the _ is the id of the pin...what are the ZZtfjmGQ used for? I'm assuming the _c is probalby something to do with size.
I'm building an image upload service in node.js and was curious what other sites do to store the image.
Final images are served from a CDN, evident by the subdomain in the URL. The first bit, as you pointed out, is the id of the image, the second bit is a UID to get around cache limitations for image versions, and the last bit is image size.
A limitation of CDNs is the inability to process the image after upload. To get around this, my service uploads the files to my Nodejs server where I then serve the image back to the client. I use a jQuery script the user can use to crop the image which sends crop coordinates back to the server and I use ImageMagick to create the various sizes of the the uploaded image. You can obviously eliminate the crop step and just use aspect ratio's to automatically create the needed image sizes. I then upload the final images to the CDN for hosting to end users.
When a user needs to update a photo already in the CDN, the user uploads to nodejs server, images are processed and sized, the UID hash is updated and then uploaded to the CDN. If you want to keep things clean (and cut on CDN cost) you can delete the old "version" at this step as well. However, in my service I give the option to backtrack to an older version if needed.
The rest of the CRUD actions are pretty self explanatory. You can read a list of images available from the CDN using the ID (My service has a user id as well as an image id to allow more robust query operations) and deleting is as simple as identifying the image you want to delete.