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Force reload Image when url changes SwiftUI

New (to swiftui), I would like to display an image(refresh the view) as soon the url is ready .Apparently State var isn t enough . It seems like .onReceive and a publisher might help but i iam helpless . NB : i use KingFisher but it seems to be the same case for any loader .The situation seems special (url not ready when view created) but this is a more general topic: for example when requests are sync and profile photo needs to be updated when the other user changes it .

Edit: After some more tests, it appears that view is updated if ,for example , we use a dispachQueue to postpone for one second and then try to update . It is not updated when retrieving the value directly with firebase onAppear

import SwiftUI
import Firebase
import Kingfisher

struct Test4: View {

    @State private var mProfilePhotoUrl: URL = URL(string:"0")!
 var body: some View {
 VStack(alignment: .center,spacing : 0){
    private func setUpProfileElements(){

    //    FirebaseRequest -> mProfilePhotoUrl = URL(string: User.profilePhoto)


  • This is jnpdx's answer.

    I dont know the reason - maybe it was too close from displaying, but view wouldn't update with the Firebase request onAppear, using id forced the refresh.

    struct Test4: View {
        @State private var mProfilePhotoUrl: URL = URL(string:"0")!
        @State private var ID = 0 // *
     var body: some View {
     VStack(alignment: .center,spacing : 0){
               KFImage(mProfilePhotoUrl).id(ID) // * add id(ID) here
        private func setUpProfileElements(){
        //    FirebaseRequest -> mProfilePhotoUrl = URL(string: User.profilePhoto)
         //                    *-> self.ID += 1*