Search code examples

Records.slice doesn't slice sorted store

I have a jsonstore.

var speedDialStore = new{
                pageSize: 4,
                proxy   : {
                    type: 'ajax',
                    url: 'speedDialListByHospitalID.html',
                    actionMethods: {
                        create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST'
                    reader: {
                        type: 'json',
                        root: 'results',
                        totalProperty: 'total',
                fields      : [{name:"id"},{name:"code"},{name:"name"},{name:"description"},{name:"hospitalID"},{name: "buildingID"},{name: "floorID"},{name:"alarmID"},{name:"notificationFrequency"},{name:"maxCount"},{name:"start"}],
                listeners: {
                  load : function (store, records, success, operation, options) {
                    if(records != null){


And a grid that uses this store.

My problem is when grid is sorted i need to sort all the store and just show first 4 element for the first page and second 4 element for the second page so on..

                        'sortchange': function(ct, column, direction, eOpts ){
                                speedDialStore.sort(column.dataIndex, direction);

after the slice method works, grid still shows the unsorted 4 elements. But if i add alert message or breakpoint at slice method i see that the store is sorted properly. Therefore (i think) i need to modify slice method or find any other way to solve this problem.. Server is sending all the data. We have to solve this problem here not server side.


  • change store listener like this,

    listeners: {
                      load : function (store, records, success, operation, options) {
                        if(records != null && records.length > 0){
                            function compare(a,b) {
                              if (a.get(sortIndex) < b.get(sortIndex))
                                 return -1;
                              if (a.get(sortIndex) > b.get(sortIndex))
                                return 1;
                              return 0;
                            if(sortDirection == "DESC"){

    and sortchange listener like this,

     sortIndex = column.dataIndex;
     sortDirection = direction;

    it works!