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How to get PagedResultList using chained named queries and adding additional criteria closure?

i am trying to get a pagedResultList using chained named queries, but i seem to fail. Any hints or tips on how this can be achieved?

See modified example below from the Grails documentation that should illustrate my needs

def books = Publication.recentPublications.grailsInTitle.list(params) {
    or {
        like 'author', 'Tony%'
        like 'author', 'Phil%'

This always returns an ArrayList..

When or remove the additional criteria and use it like below it works

def books = Publication.recentPublications.grailsInTitle.list(params)

I would like to add some criteria closures, any hints or tips on how i could achieve this?


  • I am facing same problems with named queries. This is my solution applied to your classes. Comment if it works for you.

    class Publication {
        //fields, constraints, etc.
        namedQueries = {
            authoredLike { String authorName ->
            if (authorName) {
                like 'author', authorName
            // untested, but you get the point, please experiment
            authoredLikeMany { List<String> authors ->
                authors.each { String authorName -> like 'author', authorName }
    def tonyBooks = Publication.recentPublications.grailsInTitle.authoredLike('Tony%').list(params)
    def tonyAndPhilBooks = Publication.recentPublications.grailsInTitle.authoredLikeMany(['Tony%', 'Phil%']).list(params)