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ace:dataTable default filter

My web application uses an <ace:dataTable> and I want to add a default filter to a column. The datatable uses lazy loading. I know that I can add the filter in my managed bean to the "load"-method.

But I need to set the filter into the filter "textbox" in the view at the start of rendering the page, not implementing the filter in the managed bean.

How can I achieve this?


  • If I'd understand your problem. If you got a datatable like this:

    <ace:dataTable id="carTable"
            <ace:column id="id" headerText="ID" sortBy="#{}"
                        filterBy="#{}" filterMatchMode="contains">
                <h:outputText id="idCell" value="#{}"/>

    You got an html code like this:

    <div class="ui-datatable ui-widget" id="form:carTable">
                    <th class="ui-widget-header">
                        <div class="ui-header-column ui-sortable-column clickable" id="form:carTable:id">
                                <span class="ui-header-text" id="form:carTable:id_text">ID</span>
                            <span class="ui-header-right">
                                <span class="ui-sortable-control">
                                    <span class="ui-sortable-column-icon">
                                        <a class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n" tabindex="0"
                                           style="opacity: 0.33; "></a>
                                        <a class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s" tabindex="0"
                                           style="opacity: 0.33; "></a>
                                    <span class="ui-sortable-column-order"></span>
                            <input class="ui-column-filter" id="form:carTable:id_filter" name="form:carTable:id_filter"
                                   size="1" tabindex="0" value=""/>
            <tbody class="ui-datatable-data ui-widget-content">
                <tr class=" ui-datatable-even  " id="form:carTable_row_0" tabindex="0">
                        <span id="form:carTable:0:idCell">1</span>
                <tr class=" ui-datatable-odd  " id="form:carTable_row_1" tabindex="0">
                        <span id="form:carTable:1:idCell">2</span>

    There you can see the input. Then I'd use jQuery:

    $(document).ready(function() {