I am trying to make a window that pops up, displays a table of addresses, and lets the user click one of the address and send that information back to the parent. My function currently looks like (the else section is where I am having trouble):
function ups_address_validation(address1, address2, city, state, zip)
var address = new Object;
address.address1 = address1.value;
address.address2 = address2.value;
address.city = city.value;
address.state = state.value;
address.zip = zip.value;
var data = {address: address};
var info = ups_api('validate_address', data);
if (info.hasOwnProperty('ValidAddressIndicator'))
$("#" + address1.field).val(info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine[0]);
$("#" + address2.field).val(info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine[1]);
$("#" + city.field).val(info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.PoliticalDivision2);
$("#" + state.field).val(info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.PoliticalDivision1);
$("#" + zip.field).val(info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.PostcodePrimaryLow + '-' + info.Candidate.AddressKeyFormat.PostcodeExtendedLow);
var candidates = info.Candidate;
var popup = window.open('', 'Addresses', 'width=850, height=350, scrollbars=1' );
var html = "<head>" +
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/style.css' media='screen'></link>" +
"<link type='text/css' href='/public/utilities/jquery/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.22.custom.css' rel='stylesheet'></link>" +
"<script type='text/javascript' src='/public/utilities/jquery/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js'></script>" +
"<script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){$('td').click(function(){alert('clicked');})});});</script>" +
"</head><body>" +
"<div class='wrapper' style='width: 800; background-color: #fff'><div class='content' style='width: 800'>" +
"<div class='module_header'>Confirmed Addresses</div><table class='lookup_table' style='width: 800'><tr><th>Address1</th><th>Address2</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Zip</th></tr>";
var i = 0;
for (var i in candidates)
var row = (i %2)? 'alt': '';
html += "<tr class='"+row+"'>";
if (info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine instanceof Object)
for (var p in info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine)
html += "<td>" + info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine[p] + "</td>";
html+= "<td>" + info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.AddressLine + "</td><td></td>";
html += "<td>" +
info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.PoliticalDivision2 +
"</td><td>" +
info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.PoliticalDivision1 +
"</td><td>" +
info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.PostcodePrimaryLow + "-" + info.Candidate[i].AddressKeyFormat.PostcodeExtendedLow +
html += "</table><div class='module_header'>Submitted Address</div><table class='lookup_table' style='width: 800'><tr><th>Address1</th><th>Address2</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Zip</th></tr>";
html += "<tr><td>" + address1.value + "</td><td>" + address2.value + "</td><td>" + city.value + "</td><td>" + state.value + "</td><td>" + zip.value + "</td><tr></table>";
html += "</div></div></body>";
I want to add an onClick event onto each table row with a function that sends that data back to the parent window. However, I have tried the following:
$(popup.document).ready(function(){ $('td').click(function(){ alert('clicked');});});
or using the script section in the
How can I an onclick event to my child window tags (either by passing it to the child window or setting it from the parent) so I can return the information from the table.
You can execute a function in the parent window and send parameters with that function from the newly opened window.
The parent window would then be window.opener
, and the function in the parent would be global i.e. in the window scope, and you can call that function from the opened window with window.opener.myFunction(parameters, from, myPopup);
This means that you would write the onclick event handlers in the newly opened window, and on click call a function in the parent window passing along the data of your choosing as a parameter to the function in the parent window.