Is this possible?
I am getting the directory and filename of a existing PDF document.
Use PDF Renderer to either view the document or print the document I have PDF Renderer included in my Eclipse Project, just not sure how to use it
Then use PrintDialog to print out the PDF Document. I think that PDF Renderer has to do something to make the PDF document printable
I want have 2 buttons on my form
I am not having much luck finding any PDFRenderer sample code that shows how to open the PDF document in view mode. I haven't seen code on how to send the PDF Renderer result to a PrintDialog to print.
You certainly can implement PDF rendering in your application. The question is, if it is really necessary or not. Since you dindn't specify which library you want to include, I can't help you with the PDFRenderer
However, for purpose of launching an external PDF viewer and how to implement a print button, those API classes are useful:
At least it'll help to (partially) solve your problem.