Is there anyway to find a property descriptor recursively using Java reflection?
Imagine a scenario where a User class has a field called profile, which itself is another class which has the email attribute.
By having the user object, I need to have access to so the desirable method signature should be something similar to this:
public PropertyDescriptor findPropertyDescriptor(Class<?> clazz, String path)
// Code!
And the call would be something like:
findPropertyDescriptor(User.class, "")
I'm also thinking that calls like below should be possible as well:
findPropertyDescriptor(User.class, "addresses[2].postCode")
Since nobody has come up with a solution, I have to answer my question here.
Thanks to Spring, this has been already implemented:
public static <T> PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(T rootObject, String path)
BeanWrapperImpl wrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(rootObject);
return wrapper.getPropertyDescriptor(path);
In addition to the requirement, mentioned in the question, it also supports Maps.