deviantART muro has a set of brilliant tools of painting. And I'm very curious how to implement these brushes like Sketch and Paintbrush, arithmetically?
Using any normal programming language to explain is okay, though I prefer C++ or JavaScript. I think it's better than read their JS source code.
I'd say it works something like:
Since you specified Javascript you'd probably want to draw it in a canvas
specifically seems to save mouse movements and then loop through, say the 20 latest mouse movements for each mouse movement and draw a bezier curve from that point to the current point.
So, something like (pseudo code)
Object mousemovements = [];
if (mousemovements.length > 20)
mousemovements.insertAtBeginning([ event.mouseX, event.mouseY ]);
for-each (movement in mousemovements)
drawBeziercurveFromTo(movement.mouseX, movement.mouseY,
event.mouseX, event.mouseY);
Jquery/Canvas DEMO based on the above pseudo code
I had a closer look at how "Sketch" worked and it seems that they update the mouse pointer positions, moving the older points closer to the newer points. Something like this: