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Can't install JPype on Ubuntu 12.04

I've consulted this: Cannot install JPype on ubuntu 12.04 64 bit

And I'm following the tutorial here:

It seems I'm still having a problem installing JPype, despite having done both the things in that answer:

sudo apt-get install python-jpype


sudo apt-get install python-dev

The error I'm getting, when I run

python neo4jtut/ syncdb

tells me the module doesn't exist, with

home/username/djangoenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neo4j/", line 83, in <module> import jpype, os ImportError: No module named jpype

Can anyone tell what's happening here?


  • Did you try installing it like in the tutorial? Eg, without a virtualenv, sudo pip install /path/to/

    Aside- have you considered neo4django?