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Version control Word .docx files with docx2txt with Git on Mac OS X

On Git web site there is a detailed instruction for version controling Microsoft Word .doc files with catdoc.

However, I realized that this doesn't work for .docx files. It seems that you need either docx2txt or unoconv instead of catdoc (found here). I decided to go with docx2txt for no reason, but I was stuck at the installation of docx2txt into Mac OS X.

This sort of illustrates the steps. In my understanding, all you need is at somewhere sensible. I thought /usr/local/bin/ would do. I copied it there. Then, according to the instruction, I tried the following:

$ cd /usr/local/bin/
$ echo '#!/bin/bash "$1" -' > docx2txt

When I try this:

$ docx2txt

I got

Can't read docx file <>!

so, docx2txt seems to be in the path.

Then I edited .gitattributes in the repository folder (ASCII, LF) to add the following line:

*.docx diff=wordx

Then, I also edited .git/config file in the repository as follows:

[diff "wordx"]
    binary = true
    textconv = docx2txt

Because the repository is already in use, I didn't do git init. I edited a .docx Word file in the repository and then typed git diff in the Terminal. But result was not successful.

Binary files a/foo/foo.docx and b/foo/foo.docx differ

Could anyone have any suggestions?


  • Thanks to klang, I made it. Now I can diff .docx files in in Mac OS X (10.9). But this one doesn't seamlessly work with SourceTree GUI. Below is basically the same as klang's but with minor corrections.

    Download and install the docx2txt converter from

    wget -O doc2txt.tar.gz
    tar zxf doc2txt.tar.gz
    cd docx2txt/docx2txt/
    sudo make

    Then make a small wrapper script to make docx2txt output to STDOUT

    echo '#!/bin/bash "$1" -' > /usr/local/bin/docx2txt
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docx2txt

    Git attributes for (Word) .docx diffing in your repository

    echo "*.docx diff=wordx" >> .gitattributes
    git config diff.wordx.textconv docx2txt

    Use .git/info/attributes if the setting should not be committed with the project.

    Git attributes for (Word) .doc diffing

    echo "*.doc diff=word" >> .gitattributes
    git config diff.word.textconv strings