Ok, so here is the basics of what I want to do:
var Hi = function(name){
this.name = name;
Hi.prototype = {
message: function(){
$('body').append('Hi '+this.name);
var hi = new Hi('There ');
Which works fine, but now I want to copy it so I can change it to say "Bye",
var Bye = Hi;
Bye.prototype.message = function(){
$('body').append('Bye '+this.name);
var bye = new Bye('There');
so then to get the output of Hi There Bye There
I thought that this should work:
but instead the output is Bye There Bye There
aka my modifications overwrite the original object.
How can I get this to work as I expect? note, jQuery/ jQuery UI solutions are fine, but I would like both a vanilla and a jQuery version to understand what's going on!
jsFiddle of my code: http://jsfiddle.net/YGa7p/
The line
var Bye = Hi;
does simply reference your original function, it does not copy. Usually you do
var Hi = function(name){
this.name = name;
Hi.prototype.message = function() {
$('body').append('Hi '+this.name);
var Bye = function(name){
Hi.call(this, name); // re-call base constructor
Bye.prototype = new Hi(); // create base object
// overwrite Hi's message
Bye.prototype.message = function() {
$('body').append('Bye '+this.name);
var hi = new Hi("there");
var bye = new Bye("there");
// See also instanceof:
// hi instanceof Hi // true
// hi instanceof Object // true
// bye instanceof Bye // true
// bye instanceof Hi // true
// bye instanceof Object // true
In javaScript it's difficult to do OOP. To make derived objects you will get into trouble using 'simple' methods, at least in Level 3...n inheritance. Please read my article on V javaScript class functions, if you're interested in extended inheritance in javaScript.