I have some fairly complex ajax logic etc going on in the onValidationComplete
function for a form with jQuery Validation Engine.
This is working perfect, but one thing is bothering me.
in the form I have the ability to dynamically add inputs (add new row button).
so my code structure wise looks like:
var form = $('#myForm');
form.validationEngine('attach', {onValidationComplete:validationComplete});
$('#newInput').on('click', function(){
form.append('<input />');
form.validationEngine('attach', {onValidationComplete:validationComplete});
function validationComplete(form, status){/*all my logic here*/}
What I don't like about it is that every time I add a new input I have to detach and then re-attach the validationEngine
Is there any way to just tell it to add the new input to it's list of inputs to validate?
Have you tried using .on() method?