We want to start a big multi-tier application. The server side application must respond to more than 1000 users at the same time. We want to create server application by 64 bit compiler and client side with 32 bit. In this case we don't know DataSnap can respond to all client without any problem or not? In this case The Server computer is very powerful (multi-processor and more than 16GB of RAM) and DataBase Management system is FireBird 2.5.
You need a way to perform realistic load tests.
For the Firebird database, you can simulate concurrent users with the free Apache JMeter tool. It can run SQL statements and record their execution time statistics (average, min/max etc.). So you could for example create a thread group with twenty different SQL queries, and then run twenty threads which each will perform these queries sequentially.
JMeter allows to define time limits on the SQL query, and JMeter treats it as an error if the query exceeds this limit. Then you can try to find the maximum client count where the overall error rate is still less than (for example) five percent.
But you also need to know how high the expected database load will be, and you will also need to have a test database with a realistic size, not only a couple of records. Also, some database queries like reports might cause higher load - these should be included in the simulation too, as they can affect overall performance. In JMeter, you can create a second thread group, running in parallel with the first one, for these long-running statements with different settings (less simulated clients).
Testing the database will show if there is a bottleneck already in this area. For example, the test result could be that the database can serve twenty clients with a total average transaction rate of 20 TPS (transactions per second), which means one client executes one transaction per second. But this TPS value will decrease with higher user count.
Related question: Firebird usage in big projects which also has a link to http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/case-studies-catalog/
Regarding DataSnap client load simulation: this can be done with a scripted client, which runs a predefined set of statements / commands over the connection. To run a high number of load test clients simultaneaously you could use a service like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), to launch clones of your test machine image, saving you hardware costs. But of course I would start with a small client machine which simply runs ten or twenty scripted clients.