I have a portfolio website with all the images in one container div. I currently have a JQuery preloader on the site which works great, it shows a loading bar and when it reaches 100% the website fades in. I'm wondering if I can just get this preloader in the one div that contains all my images and how I acheive that.
The plugin i'm using is QueryLoader and it's called using this code:
$(document).ready(function () {
barColor: "#099",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
percentage: true,
barHeight: 1,
completeAnimation: "fade"
Thanks for your ideas in advance. The website is here: www.samskirrowdesign.com
I havent worked with the preloader but I will take a shot at it. I assume the html for the preloader would have to be inside the images div as well as the images.
barColor: "#099",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
percentage: true,
barHeight: 1,
completeAnimation: "fade"