I've got phone_numbers which have 3 permissions of local, regional and national - each a boolean.
My form at the moment looks like this:
=semantic_form_for @phone_number, :html => {:class => "form-horizontal"} do |f|
=f.inputs do
=f.input :phone_number_type, :as => :select, :collection => PhoneNumber::PHONE_NUMBER_TYPES, :include_blank => false, :label => "Type", :required => false
=f.input :phone_number, :required => false
=f.semantic_fields_for :permission do |permission_fields|
=permission_fields.input :local, :label => false
=permission_fields.input :regional, :label => false
=permission_fields.input :national, :label => false
=f.actions do
=f.action :submit, :label => "Save"
Putting label false give each checkbox a single label to the right. Without it each checkbox has 2 labels - one on the left and one on the right. I've floated the 3 checkboxes, so they are in a horizonal line, so I'd really like local to have a label that says "Permissions" on the left and "local" on the right.
Is there a way to do this?
I just ended up hiding them with css