For a class, I need to write some JVM code, and I'm hoping to use Clojure. I got it to work with the bottom part of the software stack, but I can't manage to make it work in between the GUI layer sitting on top and the bottom part. My main problem is getting the Java GUI to recognize my Clojure files. I want to use Leiningen for this, but the Java compiling solution doesn't seem to account for this interoperation. The answer here seems to be exactly what I need. I don't understand where to put the code and such (just not quite enough details). Does anyone have any tips?
I tried making a plugin, but it doesn't seem to work. I know my case is definitely on the fringe of problems, but a solution would make using Clojure in a classroom setting much easier.
I didn't have much luck with using a compiled Clojure jar. I need to create a (ugh) stateful Clojure class (i.e. the methods can't be static). The code for my class (src/final_project/MyLinkLayer.clj) looks like
(ns final_project.MyLinkLayer
(defn -init[s] (print s))
(defn -send [dest data len] (println data))
(defn -recv [trans] (println trans))
(defn -status [] (println "I am a status!"))
(defn -command [cmd value] (println (str cmd " with value=" value)))
My project.clj is
(defproject final_project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A simulated MAC layer."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[local/classFiles "1"]]
:aot [final_project.MyLinkLayer])
The class compiles ("lein compile") fine into "target/classes/final_project/", but the methods don't show up. I can load the class via jar (using Maven in the top Java part of my project imports of the package work well enough). I even checked the .class file with Eclipse, and the only methods generated are those from Object. Any thoughts? Also, once I actually get to the "stateful" part of my Clojure class, does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
When I write projects that use both Clojure and Java, then I normally use Maven rather than Leiningen - for the simple reasons that most of the Java tools (e.g. Eclipse) understand Maven better than they understand Leiningen at present.
Here's an example pom.xml that I use for polyglot Clojure/Java projects:
Note the key features: