I think there is something wrong with my Select/Options tag... I cannot access the selected option.
Here's the HTML part:
<select id="filter">
<option value="value1" selected="selected" data-path="property1">option1</option>
<option value="value2" data-path="property2">option2</option>
I tried this way:
var property_filter = document.getElementById('filter');
And while debugging, on the console, this is what I tried:
input: property_filter.options
output: [<option value="value1" selected="selected" data-path="property1">option1</option>,<option value="value2" data-path="property2">option2</option>]
So it's grabbing the right select tag... But something is still wrong:
input: property_filter.selectedIndex
output: -1
Similary, when I used JQuery selector to find this, I'm not getting what I want.
input: $('#filter').find('option')
output: [<option value="value1" selected="selected" data-path="property1">option1</option>, <option value="value2" data-path="property2">option2</option>]
input: $('#filter').find('option:selected')
output: []
I must be doing something wrong... It's such a simple task, too. I also tried using 'selected', not 'selected="selected"' but I got the same result.
I'm using Chrome on OS 10.6.8 by the way, and under context of Backbone View & QUnit test (but it shouldn't matter, right?). Also, this code works outside of QUnit.
Ah... Sorry. I found out why things were not working. And like Peter Wilkinson said, it was a bug that I introduced.
Before I try to get the index, I set the index to 2, (noob mistake!!) which set the index to out of bound index. That's why I kept getting -1 as index.
There was nothing wrong with JQuery or selectedIndex or any of the methods that I tried + I should have debugged further up.