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Craftyjs animation not changing properly

I'm using for the Github Game Off, and I'm having some trouble with animation. The first time I start the animation (when I initialize the player entity in the main scene) it works. But when I set the animation via my CustomControls component, it only plays the first frame of the animation.

I believe the problem is in the CustomControls component, so here's the code for that:

Here's all the code if you want to clone it and test:

If anyone knows what the problem might be, let me know. Thanks!

EDIT: Here's a minimal jsfiddle example with everything stripped out except for movement and what should be animation:

var SPRITE_SIZE = 32;
Crafty.sprite(SPRITE_SIZE, "", {
    player_east_1: [0, 0],
    player_east_2: [1, 0],
    player_east_3: [2, 0],
    player_west_1: [0, 1],
    player_west_2: [1, 1],
    player_west_3: [2, 1],
    player_south_1: [0, 2],
    player_south_2: [1, 2],
    player_south_3: [2, 2],
    player_north_1: [0, 3],
    player_north_2: [1, 3],
    player_north_3: [2, 3]

Crafty.scene("loading", function() {
    Crafty.e("2D, DOM, Text")
        w: 100,
        h: 20,
        x: 150,
        y: 120
    .css({"text-align": "center"});
    Crafty.load([""], function() {

Crafty.scene("main", function() {

    var player = Crafty.e("2D, DOM, SpriteAnimation, player_east_1, Collision, TileCollision, CustomControls")
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        x_velocity: 0,
        y_velocity: 0,
        w: SPRITE_SIZE,
        h: SPRITE_SIZE
    .animate("stand_east", 0, 0, 0)
    .animate("stand_west", 0, 1, 0)
    .animate("stand_south", 0, 2, 0)
    .animate("stand_north", 0, 3, 0)
    .animate("walk_east", [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0], [2, 0]])
    .animate("walk_west", [[0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1], [2, 1]])
    .animate("walk_south", [[0, 2], [1, 2], [0, 2], [2, 2]])
    .animate("walk_north", [[0, 3], [1, 3], [0, 3], [2, 3]])
    .animate("stand_east", 45, -1)

Crafty.c("CustomControls", {
    CustomControls: function() {
        this.bind("EnterFrame", function() {
            var up = Crafty.keydown[Crafty.keys.UP_ARROW];
            var down = Crafty.keydown[Crafty.keys.DOWN_ARROW];
            var left = Crafty.keydown[Crafty.keys.LEFT_ARROW];
            var right = Crafty.keydown[Crafty.keys.RIGHT_ARROW];
            if (up) {
                this.y_velocity = -2;
                if (!this.isPlaying("walk_north")) {
                    this.stop().animate("walk_north", 45, -1);
            if (down) {
                this.y_velocity = 2;
                if (!this.isPlaying("walk_south")) {
                    this.stop().animate("walk_south", 45, -1);
            if (left) {
                this.x_velocity = -2;
                if (!this.isPlaying("walk_west")) {
                    this.stop().animate("walk_west", 45, -1);
            if (right) {
                this.x_velocity = 2;
                if (!this.isPlaying("walk_east")) {
                    this.stop().animate("walk_east", 45, -1);
            if (!left && !right) {
                this.x_velocity = 0;
            if (!up && !down) {
                this.y_velocity = 0;
            this.x += this.x_velocity;
            this.y += this.y_velocity;



  • In the end of "enterFrame" you have:

    if (!left && !right) {
        this.x_velocity = 0;
    if (!up && !down) {
        this.y_velocity = 0;

    Therefore, the animation is always stopped and then restarted from the beginning in the next frame. For example, when you're player is moving down, (!left && !right) evaluates true and the animations is stopped.

    One solution is to stop the animation only if all 4 directions are false.

    if (!left && !right) {
        this.x_velocity = 0;
    if (!up && !down) {
        this.y_velocity = 0;
    if (!(up | down | left | right)) {