I'm attempting to use jparsec to define and utilize my fairly simple grammar, but am completely confused about how to go about it. I don't know at this point whether it's my inadequate understanding of the problem space, or jparsec's sparse and uninformative documentation. Or both.
I have a grammer something like this:
foo='abc' AND bar<>'def' OR (biz IN ['a', 'b', 'c'] AND NOT baz = 'foo')
So you can see it supports operators such as AND
, OR
, IN
, =
, <>
. It also supports arbitrarily nested parentheses to dictate precedence.
I think I got fairly far with tokenizing. Here's what I have:
public final class NewParser {
// lexing
private static final Terminals OPERATORS = Terminals.operators("=", "OR", "AND", "NOT", "(", ")", "IN", "[", "]", ",", "<>");
private static final Parser<?> WHITESPACE = Scanners.WHITESPACES;
private static final Parser<?> FIELD_NAME_TOKENIZER = Terminals.Identifier.TOKENIZER;
private static final Parser<?> QUOTED_STRING_TOKENIZER = Terminals.StringLiteral.SINGLE_QUOTE_TOKENIZER.or(Terminals.StringLiteral.DOUBLE_QUOTE_TOKENIZER);
private static final Parser<?> IGNORED = Parsers.or(Scanners.WHITESPACES).skipMany();
private static final Parser<?> TOKENIZER = Parsers.or(OPERATORS.tokenizer(), WHITESPACE, FIELD_NAME_TOKENIZER, QUOTED_STRING_TOKENIZER).many();
public void test_tokenizer() {
Object result = TOKENIZER.parse("foo='abc' AND bar<>'def' OR (biz IN ['a', 'b', 'c'] AND NOT baz = 'foo')");
Assert.assertEquals("[foo, =, abc, null, AND, null, bar, <>, def, null, OR, null, (, biz, null, IN, null, [, a, ,, null, b, ,, null, c, ], null, AND, null, NOT, null, baz, null, =, null, foo, )]", result.toString());
passes, so I think it's working OK.
Now, I already have a type hierarchy that represents the syntax. For example, I have classes called Node
, BinaryNode
, FieldNode
, LogicalAndNode
, ConstantNode
et cetera. And what I'm trying to do is create a Parser
that takes my tokens and spits out a Node
. And this is where I keep getting stuck.
I thought I'd start with something really simple like this:
private static Parser<FieldNode> fieldNodeParser =
.map(new Map<Object, FieldNode>() {
public FieldNode map(Object from) {
Fragment fragment = (Fragment)from;
return new FieldNode(fragment.text());
I thought I'd be able to do this:
public static Parser<Node> parser = fieldNodeParser.from(TOKENIZER);
But that gives me a compile error:
The method from(Parser<? extends Collection<Token>>) in the type Parser<FieldNode> is not applicable for the arguments (Parser<capture#6-of ?>)
So it looks like my generics are scewed somewhere, but I have no idea where or how to fix this. I'm not even certain I'm going about this in the right fashion. Can anyone enlighten me?
You are mixing two different levels of "parsers": String-level parsers aka. scanners or lexers, and token-level parsers. This is how JParsec implements the traditional separation of lexical and syntactic analysis.
To make your code compile cleanly, you can add a call to .cast()
method at end of parser's definition, but this will not fix your problem as the next error you will have will be something like cannot run a character-level parser at token level
. This problem comes from the use of .from()
to define your top-level parser which implicitly sets the boundary between the two worlds.
Here is a working implementation (and unit tests) for your parser:
public class SampleTest {
private static Parser<FieldNode> fieldNodeParser = Parsers.sequence(Terminals.fragment(Tokens.Tag.IDENTIFIER).map(new Map<String, FieldNode>() {
public FieldNode map(String from) {
String fragment = from;
return new FieldNode(fragment);
public static Parser<FieldNode> parser = fieldNodeParser.from(NewParser.TOKENIZER, Scanners.WHITESPACES);
public void test_tokenizer() {
Object result = Parsers.or(NewParser.TOKENIZER, Scanners.WHITESPACES.cast()).many().parse("foo='abc' AND bar<>'def' OR (biz IN ['a', 'b', 'c'] AND NOT baz = 'foo')");
Assert.assertEquals("[foo, =, abc, null, AND, null, bar, <>, def, null, OR, null, (, biz, null, IN, null, [, a, ,, null, b, ,, null, c, ], null, AND, null, NOT, null, baz, null, =, null, foo, )]", result.toString());
public void test_parser() throws Exception {
FieldNode foo = parser.parse("foo");
assertEquals(foo.text, "foo");
public static final class NewParser {
// lexing
static final Terminals OPERATORS = Terminals.operators("=", "OR", "AND", "NOT", "(", ")", "IN", "[", "]", ",", "<>");
static final Parser<String> FIELD_NAME_TOKENIZER = Terminals.Identifier.TOKENIZER.source();
static final Parser<?> QUOTED_STRING_TOKENIZER = Terminals.StringLiteral.SINGLE_QUOTE_TOKENIZER.or(Terminals.StringLiteral.DOUBLE_QUOTE_TOKENIZER);
static final Terminals TERMINALS = Terminals.caseSensitive(new String[] { "=", "(", ")", "[", "]", ",", "<>" }, new String[] { "OR", "AND", "NOT", "IN" });
static final Parser<?> TOKENIZER = Parsers.or(TERMINALS.tokenizer(), QUOTED_STRING_TOKENIZER);
private static class FieldNode {
final String text;
public FieldNode(String text) {
this.text = text;
What I changed is:
method to create a lexer for terminals only (keywords, operators and identifiers). The identifier lexer used is implicitly the one provided natively by jParsec (eg. Terminals.IDENTIFIER
method with the TOKENIZER and WHITESPACES
as separator,fieldNodeParser
uses Terminals.fragment(...)
to parse tokens and not characters. Hope that helps, Arnaud