I want to draw 2 different type series (i.e. Column & Line) on one chart in EPPlus (a COM helping export Excel file). Anybody know how to do that. Thanks in advance.
Finally, I've found my answer. Link ref: http://epplus.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=FAQ
How can I add a series with a different chart type to my chart?
Here's how you do...
ExcelChart chart = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("chtLine", eChartType.LineMarkers);
var serie1= chart.Series.Add(Worksheet.Cells["B1:B4"],Worksheet.Cells["A1:A4"]);
//Now for the second chart type we use the chart.PlotArea.ChartTypes collection...
var chartType2 = chart.PlotArea.ChartTypes.Add(eChartType.ColumnClustered);
var serie2 = chartType2.Series.Add(Worksheet.Cells["C1:C4"],Worksheet.Cells["A1:A4"]);