This is the reference to the array which is supposed to hold D3DFORMAT typed values. How do I allocate the memory for this array whose size is defined by a variable
unsigned int arrsize;
Should I calculate the size of array in bytes as = sizeof(D3DFORMAT)*arrsize;
And than use memset().?
Plz correct me if I am wrong. Or if tere is a cleaner better C++ method to do this. ?
IN advance. Thanks
"cleaner better C++ method" is to use a std::vector
unsigned int arrsize = 10;
std::vector <D3DFORMAT> array (arrsize );
to cast it to void*
void* p = (void*)(&array[0]);
you will also want to have your values be 0 by default, so just add one more parameter to the constructor
unsigned int arrsize = 10;
std::vector <D3DFORMAT> array (arrsize, 0);