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Physical, Relative, Absolute and other paths

I have a task to write an object that can receive a different type of paths/urls, and return what type of path/url it is. For example the path can be

1. [drive]:\Temp 
2. \\Temp 
3. Temp (assuming that it relative Temp), 
4. /Temp 
5. ~/Temp 
6. file://[drive]:/Temp 
7. file://Temp 
8. [scheme]://something/Temp

...and so on.

How I can check in C# if it's physical path, relative url, or absolute url?

I think it's relatively easy to know if it's relative or absolute uri, but how to know if it's UNC path?

I tried to use Uri object and it's IsUnc property, but it not really helps me....for c:\temp it returns false, for "/temp", "temp/" and "temp" it throws an exception that format is incorrect. Does exists any built in object in .NET 3.5 that can help me with this, or what algorithm i can use to determine the type of path?


  • Try this:

    var paths = new[]
    foreach (string p in paths)
       Uri uri;
       if (!Uri.TryCreate(p, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri))
          Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a valid URI", p);
       else if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
          Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is a relative URI", p);
       else if (uri.IsFile)
          if (uri.IsUnc)
             Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is a UNC path", p);
             Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is a file URI", p);
          Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is an absolute URI", p);


    'C:\Temp' is a file URI
    '\\Temp' is a UNC path
    'Temp' is a relative URI
    '/Temp' is a relative URI
    '~/Temp' is a relative URI
    'file://C:/Temp' is a file URI
    'file://Temp' is a UNC path
    'http://something/Temp' is an absolute URI