I want to pus comma after every 11 digits in excel my data will be like this.
and i want answer like this
its a fix that i want comma in very 11 digits and the row it in only one cell and result is also shows in one cell only. please help me out..
Here's a method using VBA. Select the cell you want to put commas in and run the macro.
Sub AddCommas()
Dim s As String
s = Selection.Value
Dim x As Long
x = Len(s) \ 11
If Len(s) Mod 11 = 0 Then
x = x - 1
End If
Do Until x <= 0
s = Left(s, x * 11) & "," & Mid(s, x * 11 + 1)
x = x - 1
Selection.Value = s
End Sub