I use codenameone and I wanna change some labels text's or fill table with dynamic data from database. So, my question is :
1.what event is good for change component text on showing form?
2.how to create database and load data from it or insert data into it?
My application detail: I've a Main form with list of buttons that every button mapped to show another form. components of forms except Main form have to be set dynamicly.
Thanks Shai. As Shai said, to set value to components of form we can do this before form.Show().
I got error because I called findLblTimeVlaue() but when I changed it to findLblTimeVlaue(String, Form) my error gone. this is the code:
protected void beforeReminderUI(Form f) {
com.codename1.ui.Label lbl =
(com.codename1.ui.Label)findByName("lblTimeValue", f);
lbl.setText("Hi 2013213");