I'm baffled. This should be rudimentary for me, but I have to admit, nothing has worked so far. I have a tumblr log (http://tropedart.tumblr.com) and I am trying to use an image as a background in an already existing theme. The image is stored both on my server in a public folder and on tumblr's servers. Here's what I've tried:
I've edited the custom HTML with the following:
<body style="background-image: url('http://russellbits.com/public-images/bkgd-page.jpg') fixed top left repeat;">
I've edited the custom CSS with:
body { background-image: url('http://russellbits.com/public-images/bkgd-page.jpg') fixed top left repeat; }
I've also tried to use the template tags in the custom CSS:
background: {color:Background} url(‘{image:http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcs0mnVfx71rsijsso1_400.jpg}’) top left fixed repeat;
None of these efforts have succeeded. I'm almost embarrassed to ask, because this is simple CSS stuff that I know all too well. But what can I say?
Your theme uses an unintuitive method to set the background image. Instead of a proper background image, there's just a big element stretched over the entire page.
Take a look at line 127
of your stylesheet:
.noise {
background: #EEEEEE url("http://static.tumblr.com/xcxngn2/Iz0ld1v2h/bg.png") repeat;
To override this style, just put this CSS into your custom stylesheet:
.noise {
background: #EEEEEE url("http://russellbits.com/public-images/bkgd-page.jpg") repeat;