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Parsing string to double - java

For a project I have a program that is like a bank. The "bank" reads in a file with accounts in it that look like this:
891692 06 <----string that needs to be converted to double
The last string has to be converted to a double so that the program can perform calculations on it like addition and subtraction, etc.
And also I have to print it out in monetary format, i.e. $891692.06

I have this so far:

 public class Account {
      private String firstName, lastName;
      private int accountID;
      private String currentBalance; 

      private static int maxAccountID;

      public Account(String fN, String lN, int acct, String bal) {
         firstName = fN; lastName = lN;
         accountID = acct;
         currentBalance = bal;
         if(accountID > Account.maxAccountID)
            Account.maxAccountID = accountID;

  public double getBalance(){
        String [] s = currentBalance.split(" ");
        String balStr = "$"+s[0]+"."+s[1];
            double currentBalance = Double.parseDouble(balStr);
         return currentBalance;

Thanks in advance!


  • If your string representing double uses space ' ' instead of a decimal point, you can fix it by replacing the space with a dot, like this:

    String currentBalanceStr = "891692 06";
    double currentBalanceDbl = Double.parseDouble(currentBalanceStr.replaceAll(" ","."));

    Link to ideone.