Besides being a rubbish programmer, my jargon is not up to scratch. I am going to try my best to explain myself.
I have implemented a Merssene twister random number generator using randomlib.
Admittedly I am not too familiar on how Visual 8 C++'s random number generator works, but I find I can seed it once srand(time(NULL))
in main()
and I can safely use rand()
in my other classes.
The Merssene twister that I have one needs to create an object, and then seed that object.
#include <RandomLib/Random.hpp>
RandomLib::Random r; // create random number object
r.Reseed(); // seed with a "unique" seed
float d = r.FloatN(); // a random in [0,1] rounded to the nearest double
If I want to generate a random number in a class how do I do this without having to define an object each time. I am just worried that if I use the computer clock I will use the same seed each run (only changes every second).
Am I explaining myself right?
Thanks in advance
The Random object is essentially state information that you need to preserve. You can use all the normal techniques: You could have it as a global variable or pass it around as a parameter. If a particular class needs random numbers you can keep a Random
object as a class member to provide randomness for that class.
The C++ <random>
library is similar in that it requires the construction of an object as the source of randomness/RNG state. This is a good design because it allows the program to control access to the state and, for example, guarantee good behavior with multiple threads. The C++ <random>
library even includes mersenne twister algorithm.
Here's an example showing saving a RNG state as a class member (using std::mt19937
instead of Random
#include <random> // for mt19937
#include <algorithm> // for std::shuffle
#include <vector>
struct Deck {
std::vector<Cards> m_cards;
std::mt19937 eng; // save RNG state as class member so we don't have to keep creating one
void shuffle() {
std::shuffle(std::begin(m_cards), std::end(m_cards), eng);
int main() {
Deck d;
d.shuffle(); // this reuses the RNG state as it was at the end of the first shuffle, no reseeding