I have stuck in the class->header file for couple days!
I have tried on jni on Client by http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/cnd/beginning-jni-linux.html and http://ringlord.com/jni-howto.html. And it succeeded in return "hello JNI C++" from JNI's (.cpp)file. Here are my steps:
However, I tried to do the same thing on the servlet side and it's not working
The following are solutions I have found and tried so far,
check the package name
sudo gedit /etc/profile,sudo gedit .bashrc, sudo /etc/environment; add JAVA_HOME & CLASSPATH on them, and source them to update, then echo $JAVA_HOME, echo $CLASSPATH to verify
Please tell me how to figure it out this issue, thank you very much!!Btw, I am using hessianServlet
NativeWrapper.java (you run javah
only on this class)
class NativeWrapper {
// either
static {
// or
public NativeWrapper() {
public native void callNative();
class MyServlet extends javax.servlet.GenericServlet {
private NativeWrapper nativeWrapper = new NativeWrapper();
public void someServletMethod() {