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Custom NLog Appender

I trying to write custom appender for logging in NLog. I saw some examlpes for log4net where should write appender which is inherit from abstract class AppenderSkeleton. Can anyone name the analog class in NLog?


  • NLog analog of log4net's appenders will be target. For creating your own target, you have to inherit from NLog.Targets.TargetWithLayout. Also you should mark your target class with attribute TargetAttribute:

    public class FooTarget : TargetWithLayout
        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)

    Next step is adding assembly where your class is defined to NLog extensions:

        <add assembly="MyBarAssembly"/>

    And last step - registering your target (NLog will search in extensions for types market by TargetAttribute)

    <target name="foo" type="Foo"/>