tl:dr Getting error: Java Build Path Problems - Archive for required library: library in project cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file. This happens for two ( I have included in the build path of an android project being developed in Eclipse. Am I doing something wrong by including the in the build path?
I am trying to install the SPen SDK in my android project and I am having problems with including some of the native library files (
I am trying to follow the tutorial specified here: Adding S Pen library to android project. It is point 2-2 on this page.
I include the libspen22.jar to the build path which seems to be fine. But when I tried to run the application I get an error saying Java problems, with a list of 323 items stating that function foo must override a superclass method. I had noticed however that I hadn't included the libraries to the build path so I preceeded to add these two libraries to the build path as well. Which stopped the 323 errors but caused 2 new ones - Java Build Path Problems - Archive for required library: library in project cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file. Am I doing something wrong by including the two files in the build path for the android project being developed using Eclipse?
Go to Project Properties and set Java Compiler to 1.6 it should help.
I don't think you need any *.so for S-Pen
Anyway, you should not include *.so in your Build Path. Any prebuilt *.so should be specified in your like this:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := foo-prebuilt
Please, refer to Android NDK docs/PREBUILTS.html
But again I think it's because of Java Compiler having been set to 1.5