I'm building a app - converted from flash to html/js and using jQuery. Pages/scenes are pulled in via ajax and I have a 'loading' overlay in place until these are loaded however in addition I want to preload images for the next and previous pages.
So I pull in page-5.php via ajax then I need to preload the images in the background for pages 4/6 to speed things up for the user.
I have a preload function I can insert an array of images into - the tricky bit is using ajax to find the src of all images on page-6.php for example.
So I need a call to: - find all images on page-6.php, grab their src's into an array. possible?
I guess I could hide an array on each page containing the images and grab this but I'd rather keep it all dynamic.
Any thoughts / help much appreciated.
you should be able to parse the html response with regular jquery:
url:[your url],
success: function(data) {
$("img", data).each(function() {
url: 'http://localhost:8888/site/scenarios/scenario-1.php',
success: function(data) {
$("img", data).each(function() {
alert( $(this).attr("src") );