In Rails 3.2.8 in Ruby 1.9.3p194 when passing an array to respond_to
in an included block of an ActiveSupport::Concern that is included on demand in the class definition by calling an acts_as_...
method in module included in a gem results in a:
respond_to causes undefined method `to_sym' for [:json, :html]:Array
and on the next request, I get:
RuntimeError (In order to use respond_with, first you need to declare the formats your controller responds to in the class level):
actionpack (3.2.8) lib/action_controller/metal/mime_responds.rb:234:in `respond_with'
In the module code, it is just doing the equivalent of:
formats = [:json, :html]
respond_to formats
Where formats is configured elsewhere so it can be applied to all controllers that specify acts_as_...
I know it works when I do this in a class definition:
respond_to :json, :html
So, how can I call respond_to with a variable that is an array of formats?
The related parts of the respond_to
method in Rails 3.2.8 are:
def respond_to(*mimes)
# ...
mimes.each do |mime|
mime = mime.to_sym
# ...
# ...
Because the splat operator is used in respond_to
, it is wrapping the incoming array in an array, so mimes is [[:json, :html]]
, and it is trying to call to_sym
on the array.
If calling respond_to
with a variable containing an array, you need to use the splat (*) operator, e.g.:
formats = [:json, :html]
respond_to *formats
That will call respond_to
as if you were sending in two arguments:
respond_to :json, :html
respond_to(:json, :html)