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NHibernate SchemaExport not creating indexes

My NHibernate mappings include a <database-object> element to define indexes for MS SQL Server 2008. The problem is that this SQL doesn't get included in the schema when I call SchemaExport.Create. Everything else gets created, but there are no indexes.

One of the entities looks like this, for example:

<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">

  <class xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" 
      name="MyApp.Entities.SomeEntity, MyApp.Entities" table="SomeEntity">

    <!- -->


      CREATE INDEX [Idx_SomeEntityIndex] ON [SomeEntity] 
          ([Field1] ASC, [Field2] ASC) INCLUDE ( [Field3], [Field4], [Field5])
      CREATE STATISTICS [Stat_SomeEntityStat] ON [SomeEntity] 
          ([Field1], [Field2])
      DROP INDEX [Idx_SomeEntityIndex] ON [SomeEntity]
      DROP STATISTICS [Stat_SomeEntityStat]
    <dialect-scope name="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2008Dialect, NHibernate"/>


The problem is that this used to work before (probably before moving from NH2 to NH3), and I am not sure if something changed in NHibernate which prevents this from executing.

Dialect matches my dialect in the config file.


  • Thanks to @OskarBerggren, I got the answer at a different forum. The problem was that the assembly name (NHibernate, in this case) should not have been specified inside the dialect string.

    So, when I changed this:

    <dialect-scope name="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2008Dialect, NHibernate"/>

    to this:

    <dialect-scope name="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2008Dialect"/>

    it fixed my issues.