I have to display properties window for specified items: folders and files.
For one item displaying properties windows is very easy - just set .lpFile field. But I can't get how to display properties window for several items.
1) Enumerating files in .lpFile like ""file1.txt" "file2.txt"" and so on doesn't work. Even if it works its not applicable, because file list can be too huge.
2) Working via PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE did not bring any results. Can create PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE for single file via ILCreateFromPath, but can't merge several PIDLIST_ABSOLUTEs into one.
Does anyone have any workaround? Any answers will be appreciated
PS: As i've recently understood, PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE is unique-created for concrete unique object. So two or more PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE could not be concatenated. But the question is still actual.
Call IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf, pass multiple pidls, and ask for an IContextMenu, then invoke the "properties' verb. – Raymond Chen
Thank you, Raymond. It works!