I have been looking at this for quite few hours and I don't think I am able to see the solution.
This is my router.js:
define('router', ['jquery', 'config', 'nav','store'], function ($, config, nav, store) {
concepTouch = Sammy('body', function () {
// This says to sammy to use the title plugin
// Sets the global title prefix
// So I can access sammy inside private methods
var sammy = this;
function establishRoutes() {
// Defines the main container for content then
var mainConainer = $(config.mainContentContainerId);
// Adds animation loading class to the main container
// iterates through routes defined in config class then
_.forEach(config.appRoutes, function(obj, key) {
// defines each one as a route
sammy.get(obj.hashV, function(context) {
// Store the requested route as the last viewed route
store.save(config.stateKeys.lastView, context.path);
// Fetches its html template
context.render(obj.tmpltURL, { 'routeData': context.params })
// Appends that htmlo template to the main container and removes loading animation
.then(function(content) {
// Finally adds the route title to the prefix
// Overriding sammy's 404
sammy.notFound = function () {
// toast an error about the missing command
toastr.error(sammy.getLocation() + ' Does not exist yet!');
// Go to last visited anf if not
store.fetch(config.stateKeys.lastView) || config.getDefaultRoute()
// Calls for routes to be established
// runs concep touch as a sammy App with the initial view of default route
init = function () {
// Try to get today's last visit and if not available then fallback on default
concepTouch.run(store.fetch(config.stateKeys.lastView) || config.getDefaultRoute());
// Make the correct nav item active and add Click handlers for navigation menu
nav.setStartupActiveClass(store.fetch(config.stateKeys.lastView) || sammy.getLocation())
return {
init: init,
concepTouch: concepTouch
This when I submit the search form gets this template for me:
<div id="contacts" class="view animated fadeInLeft">
<h3>Search results for {{routeData}}</h3>
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'searchresults-template', foreach: searchResults }"></ul>
<script type="text/html" id="searchresults-template">
<li data-bind="text: type"></li>
require(['searchresults'], function (searchresults) {
searchresults.get(to Some how Get routeData.term);
and I can not find the right way to make Mustache pass the data from this line of router.js context.render(obj.tmpltURL, { 'routeData': context.params })
to the {{routeData.term}}
inside the template.
{{routeData}} on its own returns `SAMMY.OBJECT: {"TERM": MY SEARCH TERM}`
which I can't navigate to the property i want to from it using . notation. Furthermore even if that worked it can not be passed into Javascript which is what I really need as
searchresults.init(); is waiting for this paramter `searchresults.init(routeData.term);`
Or maybe the answer is to find a way to access sammy's context here? outside of sammy in order to get the params? something like Sammy.Application.context.params['term']
but ofcourse application has no such method so don't know!? :(
Am I going totally the wrong way about it? How Can I easily pass the query string params as accessible objects inside my template so knockout can use it.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
<div id="contacts" class="view animated fadeInLeft">
<h3>Search results for {{#routeData}}{{term}}{{/routeData}}</h3>
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'searchresults-template', foreach: searchResults }"></ul>
<script type="text/html" id="searchresults-template">
<li data-bind="text: type"></li>
require(['searchresults'], function (searchresults) {
var searchTerm = "{{#routeData}}{{term}}{{/routeData}}";