I have been looking for this functionality, if is it possible to add an email client selector when the users click on mailto: For example i am using following code for emails
<a href="mailto:email@me.com">Email Us</a>
What if users want to use gmail/yahoo/hotmail instead of his default email client e.g Outlook. I have found a similar question asked before as well. But i need to know if that is in any case possible either with any jQuery plugin or HTML whatever it may be.
you can't do this with 'mailto' functionality. But you can acheive targeting email clients with the help of php function. Here is the php function to Targeting Specific Web-based Clients:
Targeting Specific Web-based Clients
function wcs_mailto_ex($mailto='', $subject='', $body='', $client='', $link_text='', $link_title='', $at_replace='@')
// init
$subject = rawurlencode(strip_tags($subject));
$body = str_replace('\r\n', '%0A', $body);
$body = str_replace('\n', '%0A', $body);
if (!$link_text) {$link_text = $mailto;}
$link_text = str_replace('@', $at_replace, $link_text);
$client = strtolower($client);
// default parameters (system mail: Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
$email['url'] = 'mailto:' . $mailto . '?subject=' . $subject . '&body=' . $body;
$email['width'] = 0;
$email['height'] = 0;
$email['scrollbars'] = 0;
// constuct client-specific parameters
case 'gmail':
case 'g mail':
case 'google mail':
case 'google':
$email['url'] = 'https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&source=mailto&shva=1&to=' . $mailto . '&su=' . $subject . '&body=' . $body;
$email['width'] = 700;
$email['height'] = 500;
$email['scrollbars'] = 1;
case 'hotmail':
case 'hmail':
case 'livemail':
case 'live mail':
$email['url'] = 'http://mail.live.com/?rru=compose&to=' . $mailto . '&subject=' . $subject . '&body=' . $body;
$email['width'] = 850;
$email['height'] = 550;
$email['scrollbars'] = 1;
case 'yahoo mail':
case 'ymail':
case 'yahoo':
$body = str_replace('%0A', '<br>', $body);
$body = urlencode(urlencode($body));
$email['url'] = 'http://compose.mail.yahoo.com?to=' . $mailto . '&subject=' . rawurlencode($subject) . '&body=' . $body;
$email['width'] = 750;
$email['height'] = 625;
$email['scrollbars'] = 1;
// prep for popup
$wdw_name = 'wcs_mailto_ex_wdw';
$wdw_features = "scrollbars=$scrollbars,status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=";
$url = $email['url'];
$width = $email['width'];
$height = $email['height'];
$scrollbars = $email['scrollbars'];
// determine if display should be a popup window
if ($email['width'])
$javascript = "window.open('$url', '$wdw_name', '$wdw_features$width,height=$height');return false;";
$output = "<a rel='nofollow' style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=\"$javascript\" title='$title'>" . $link_text . "</a>";
$output = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow" title="' . $link_title . '">' . $link_text . '</a>';
// exit
echo $output;
To target gmail client call the above function as follows:
'Test Subject Line',
'This is a sample\n\nemail for testing.\n\nBest regards,\nme',
'gMail Client'
Source: http://wpcodesnippets.info/blog/how-to-target-mailto-email-clients.html