I have to port a VB 6.0 app to VB.Net (Framework 3.5). The application uses MSMQ heavily. I'm trying to figure out what are the advantages of using WCF over good ole System.Messaging. Are there any potential showstoppers when going with System.Messaging?
I think this quote from the "Motley Queue" web site ("web": excellent link!) sums it up best:
*The WCF programming model is centered around your business operations. With it, you can stop managing your message transactions, setting message properties, searching for messages in a queue, checking for NACKS, retrying messages, etc. Instead you can start thinking of the world in terms of business operations (e.g. CreatePurchaseOrder) and focus on your business logic. Leave the tedium to WCF. *
That is in a nutshell what WCF tries to accomplish - relieve you of a lot of plumbing and intricasies and let you concentrate on your business problems you want to solve.
My vote is in for WCF! :-)