I read through several threads without find a clear answer.
I'm using a JavaScript library (Drinks.js) to put several widgets on my webpage.
The following code will add one single item to my div element pnlThermo
function create(item) {
var thermo = Drinks.createElement('display');
thermo.setAttribute('id', item);
thermo.setAttribute('label', item);
Drinks.appendChild('pnlThermo', thermo);
Well, now I want to add several items to the same div element. No matter if I use a for cycle or call the function explicitly only the first item will be rendered. For example:
leads to show T1
Perhaps I missed something, I'm quite new to JavaScript programming.
Thanks in advanced.
The reference manual ( http://goincompany.com/DTManual01.pdf ) says :
After you have created the HTML element, you have to append it to an HTML container. In order to do this you have to use the appendChild function, provided by the Drinks class. Drinks.appendChild('body', gauge); 'body' is the id of the HTML container. If the parent is an instrument, this function doesn't work. We have to use the appendChild method of the instrument, but we'll see this later.
Seems to imply that the first parameter needs to be an HTML tagname, which makes little sense but then the library is a little wierd IMHO.